Comparative Theology For Primary Students.

Well, it's Christmas time again, and all around us we see the evidence of the festive season - lights, santas, angels, more santas, more lights, the occasional nativity scene, and a remarkable lack of Christianity-themed merchandise.

That seems to be the common trend these days, and I've been busy with the move and also moving at work, so have had neither the time nor the access to comment upon it.

Now, however, it is time to have a little bit of a snark.

A week and a half ago, Magilla asked me about Santa Claus: Mum, do you believe in Santa Claus?

Me: I think he's a very special person, why do you ask?

Magilla: Mrs AT was talking about him today. What's Eid?

Me: What's what?

Magilla: Eid.

Me: (trying not to choke) Eid?

Magilla: Yes, what is it?

Me: It's something that muslims celebrate. They don't have christmas like we do, and they don't believe in Jesus like we do. Has Mrs AT talked about Jesus when you've talked about christmas?

Magilla: Nope.

Mrs AT is the same teacher who taught the kids a bit about Japanese culture. That would be the bit about Japanese people killing and eating whales, which is something I consider thoroughly inappropriate for preppies. We're talking 6yo's for goodness' sake!

The same Mrs AT who had another chat with the kids about Japanese people when a few parents obviously said something about their children's ideas on whaling.

I pointed out to Magilla that eskimos and people from Norway also kill and eat whales, and besides, there are people who think we're the evil ones for eating all the animals we do.

But, as usual, I'm digressing.

Back to December, and Christmas, and comparative religions.

I've not had the opportunity to speak with Mrs AT, and only have a few more days to do so; with our current Rudderless economy, however, I may not get the opportunity to have this chat.

I am rather interested as to why on earth children, at Christmas time are discussing Eid. Sure, it's a State school, but I would have thought that the birth of the Christ would be worthy of at least a passing mention.

Also, if we're going to talk about what everyone else is doing rather than us Jesus freaks, Magilla's not told me that she's heard of how the Christians co-opted the solstice celebrations to use for the birth of Jesus. She has heard of Hannukah, though, so I guess that's something.

I must ask Mrs AT if she told the kids about the ritual slaughter that accompanies the Eid celebrations. The ones that have the RSPCA patrolling the stockyards to ensure that animals aren't being taken for backyard celebrations.

I was going to play a quick game of Let's Compare with images of Eid celebrations vs. Christmas celebrations, but it was a bit too depressing.

We all know the images of Baby Jesus in the manger, of heavily laden tables surrounded by cheery families (like the one we attended yesterday), christmas trees with plenty of presents and lights, and plum pudding.

But when it comes to Eid, it's all too easy to find photos such as these.

I wonder when Mrs AT thinks the kiddies will be mature enough to learn about the real celebrations?

Maybe by grade 2?

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